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Scott Baase
Food Services Director
(989) 442-1997
Kerry Berthume
Data Specialist / Administrative Asst.
(989) 465-6060
Michael Cowell
Transportation Director
(989) 465-6811
Kayla Dennis
School Nurse
(989) 229-0821
Carmen Grzegorek
Payroll/Benefits Specialist
(989) 465-6060
Sara Hegel
Business Manager
(989) 465-6060
Brandan Hodges
School Resource Officer
(989) 465-6171
Jennifer McCormack
Superintendent / Special Education Supervisor
Wade O'Dell
Maintenance/Custodial Supervisor
(989) 465-6172
Natalie Kalitta
Community Relations Specialist / Business Office Asst.
(989) 465-6060