Printable Schedules
Boys/Girls Junior High Cross Country
Sideline Cheer
New Athletic Department Documents
General Information
Admissions to High School and Junior High athletic events: $5/person.
Family passes are available from the athletic office for $175/family. A family pass purchases entry for all immediate family members (parents and school-age kids; no college students) to regular season, home athletic events throughout the school year. Passes can be purchased at any event gate or from the Jr/Sr High office during business hours.
Game Day Requirements: As per the Coleman Athletic Code under Other Athletic Rules 'An athlete must be present for all classes on the day of the game in order to participate in that game. Exceptions may be arranged in advance (prior to 8:15 am) with the principal, athletic director, or school secretary. The amount of time for the excused absence should be appropriate to the circumstances of the excuse. For a Saturday contest, an athlete must have been present for the entire school day prior to the contest in order to participate unless a prior arrangement is made with the principal or athletic director.
At season's end, return uniforms and equipment on the dates that the coaches have announced so they can pack things up and put them in storage.
Facility Policy: No outside food and/or beverages in any of our athletic venues.
Sportsmanship: Read this letter for information regarding MSAC concerns about appropriate sportsmanship