drama club title


Want to join Drama Club? Students in 4th - 12th grades can participate! Contact one of our co-advisors below for more information!

Co-Advisor: Jenn Tallman; jtallman@colemanschools.net; (989) 465-6171

Co-Advisor: Amie Zylman; azylman@colemanschools.net; (989) 465-6171


Haunted School! - Oct 2024

Slider is playing

Photos taken by Natalie and Jesse Kalitta, October 2024

Photos below of Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Wizard of Oz, and Drop Dead, Juliet! were taken by Natalie and Jesse Kalitta.

Photo Galleries

"Drama [Club] is something students can do if they don't want to be in a sport but be a part of something that is like a sport! And most importantly, Drama [Club] allows students to be themselves in an environment that is very welcoming. I was a part of the Drama play last year and I felt very welcomed. Every practive was filled with laughter and some of my favorite memories are from Drama. Overall, I think Drama [Club] is important because in the end everyone turns into your family."

Anonymous Drama Club Student  


"Drama [Club] means a lot to me because I love acting and helping other people do their makeup. I love Ms. Amie and Mrs. Tallman, and I love to be here. Everybody is always kind. I just love coming here (and the good food we always get on the day of the play!)"

4th Grade Drama Club Student  


"What I like about Drama [Club] is the working with others to make something great. Being a different person and helping make a big thing is a lot of fun."

Anonymous Drama Club Student  
