Superintendent/Special Education Supervisor: Jennifer McCormack
Secretary: Breanna Bressette
Jr/Sr High Teacher: Diane Cauchy
Jr/Sr High Teacher: Nicole Howdyshell
Jr/Sr High Teacher: Natalie Belleville
Elementary Teacher: Cindy Schuetz
Elementary Teacher: Alison Young
Speech/Language Pathologist: Sandy Winslow
Speech/Language Pathologist (part time): Judy Richards
Elementary Social Worker: Ella Williams
Jr/Sr High Social Worker: Jessica Evans
Psychologist: Christa Starkey-Brown
Occupational Therapist: Amie Covel
Jr/Sr High Occupational Therapist: Lindsay Forfar
Physical Therapist: Jana Keller
Consultant for Deaf and Hard of Hearing: Bethany Walter
Impaired Vision Consultant: Patricia Killey