Coming up in March: Skilled Trades Night at J. Ranck Electric! Check out the flier for more info.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
skilled trades night
The district was happy to give a tour of our buildings and facilities to Teri Rink and Rebecca McIntyre from the Michigan Department of Education on January 12th! Thank you to our students (and staff!) for being on their best behavior and representing our schools so well during their visit. Rebecca had to say this after her tour: "A few things that interested me were the real-world opportunities that are available for students to learn while in school so they can seamlessly transition into the adult world and apply skills such as communication in American Sign Language, raising livestock, working on John Deere tractors, operating a restaurant and preparing and ordering food. Classrooms were very quiet and full of student engagement in each building we went into, and the closed campus certainly has benefits for the entire community. We appreciated the opportunity!!” Featured here is the Agriscience barn where they were welcomed by Opie, Dairy Moo, and Mrs. Lattimer; the group meeting Mrs. Schuetz at the elementary school; us showing off our Jr/Sr High building; and then, a tour of the kitchen in our culinary program building at the Depot! Thank you, ladies, for the nice visit, we loved having you here!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
jr/sr high
Spelling Calisthenics! In Mrs. Pelletier's 2nd and 3rd Grade classroom, the students enjoy practicing their spelling words by doing various exercises while spelling. We get our heart rates up while learning how to spell our words. It's a huge hit and almost all the students scored a 90% or better on the last test!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
spelling 3
spelling 2
spelling 1
Today's practices for athletics are voluntary. The Boys JV/Varsity Basketball game @ Breckenridge is still on for tonight. Our route there is good for the buses as are many roads in our area now. Students, please be safe if your own roads are icy and use your good discretion.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer McCormack
Coleman Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 10, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer McCormack
SPARKS after school program is canceled for today, Thursday, 2.9.2023.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer McCormack
Shout-out to our 8th grade boys basketball team, and their Coach, Carson Iserhoth! This comment was found posted last night on the Coleman Yard Sale Facebook page by the coach of the Merrill 8th grade boys basketball team. Thanks for your hard work boys, and for making a good impression on others! We are so proud of your good sportsmanship and attitudes! Keep it up, Comets!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
8th grade boys
You can now contact the Board directly! Email anytime to reach Board members more easily than ever. Ask questions, share thoughts, or voice concerns. For more Board of Education-related content, visit the Board webpage here:
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
Tonight's JV/Varsity Girls Basketball games v. Vestaburg are on for tonight. Athletic practices for high school that are held are voluntary. Other extra-curricular practices, including drama, are cancelled for today.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer McCormack
Coleman Schools is closed today, Tuesday, 2.7.2023, due to icy roads. While we know the temps are rising and some roads are fine, at the time decisions need to be made many others are pure ice making it difficult to see the difference, difficult to stop and causing vehicles to slide significantly. Thank you for your patience as we made the call this morning. Information on afternoon and evening events will be posted by noon today. Please be safe.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer McCormack
Upcoming yoga program at the Family Center! Check out this flier for more info.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
family center yoga
Read this press release for some big news regarding the Coleman Culinary program!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
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welcome to the depot
Mrs. Brownlee and Mrs. Pelletier's classes have been learning about Michigan all year long. Last Thursday, Michigan turned 186 years old! To celebrate, a few days late due to snow days, both classes enjoyed Koegel Hot Dogs, Better Made Chips, Vernor's and Hudsonville Ice Cream. All these products are made in our great state. We learned about each of these companies and the pride they bring our state in the form of innovation, employment and longevity. Plus, everything was tasty!! We are so very grateful to all the parents that helped supply all the food and paper goods to make the day a success. We couldn't do it without you! - Mrs. Brownlee & Mrs. Pelletier
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
mi birthday 1
mi birthday 2
mi birthday 3
mi birthday 4
Our students aren't the only ones that get to learn at school! We release our students early every Wednesday so our teachers can have this dedicated time to learn about techniques to help their students learn EVERY week! In this picture from yesterday's professional development meeting, the elementary teachers are focusing on strategies to improve reading comprehension with their students.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
early release PD
A great way to study cow digestion is to actually study the cow and create models! The 6th graders and Chippewa Nature Center educator Mr. Rod spent the day at the barn and greenhouse.
over 1 year ago, Amy Klopf
6th graders visiting Opie
Creating digestion models
6th graders getting to know Mega Moo
A great way to reuse recycle materials: make models
TONIGHT AT 5:30 PM: Virtual Information Session about Dual Enrollment from Delta College! Anyone interested can sign up to be sent a Zoom Webinar Link. They'll cover the benefits of enrolling, different course options, and the process of getting started, and will also be available to answer questions via chat as well as at the end of the presentation. You can sign up here for the event:
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
A cool opportunity for students grades 9-11: Michigan Tech University has a summer Engineering Scholars Program that gives students the opportunity to explore engineering! The application deadline is April 9th. Check out this link here to see all of the special programs they have this year, all featuring different concentrations within engineering. There are also opportunities for financial assistance at this link, if needed!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
The CMU College of Medicine is hosting a Health Fair, coming up in March! Check out the flier to learn more about the vendors, services, and products that will be available at this totally free event!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Rogers
health fair
Sports practices for today are voluntary. JH boys basketball is cancelled for today. Competitive cheer for Varsity ONLY is still on at Meridian for today.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer McCormack
Coleman Schools will be closed on Monday, 1.30.2023, due to road conditions. Afternoon and evening event information will be posted by noon tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Jennifer McCormack