As we work to answer as many Return-to-Learn questions for the 2020-2021 school year as possible, we are hosting two upcoming Zoom meetings for in-district families. Please email Mrs. McCormack at least 15 minutes prior to each meeting to receive the invite. Include your name, your child's name and which meeting invite you are requesting.
The Zoom Meetings will be held at 4:30 p.m.:
Thursday, July 30th- Return to School Parent Update
Wednesday, August 5th- Return-to-Learn Preparedness & Response Plan Questions Answered.
To submit your questions, comments and concerns to our district and building admin. teams, please fill out the Google form at this link:
The approved Return-to-Learn Plan will also be shared out on social media and our website on August 4th and sent to families who have provided their email addresses.
Coleman Community Schools is excited that we are currently in Phase 4 of the State's Roadmap. In Phase 4, 5 and 6, we are able return to school IN-PERSON Mondays through Fridays according to the original 2020-2021 school calendar which can be found at: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws... This in-person instruction will occur with additional safety and health precautions necessary, either mandated or recommended during this pandemic. Your child will receive the same caring and safety during their education you have come to expect from Coleman Schools' Staff with an even greater emphasis on health.
More information will be shared on July 30th at the 4:30 p.m. Zoom Meeting (email Mrs. McCormack at with your name and your child's name for the invite). The full Return to School Preparedness & Response Plan will be posted on August 4th with a Zoom meeting at 4:30 p.m. that day (email Mrs. McCormack for the invite).
We also recognize that some families and students have health and other concerns during this time and are hesitant to return to in-person learning. We are pleased to be able to offer a completely remote education option to students in grades K-12 for the 2020-2021 school year.
Students enrolled in this program are still Coleman Community Schools students, and still have access to CCS resources, but will only participate virtually for academic content. A Chromebook will be provided.
If you are interested in a long term (semester or full year) online only option, please complete the enrollment form at this link: . Students in this online only option must complete at least one full semester online. The enrollment form must be completed no later than August 9th, 2020. If you have multiple children you wish to enroll, please fill this enrollment form out for each individual student. For questions about this option, please contact Jennifer McCormack, Superintendent, at 989.465.6060 or
If you are new to CCS, you will also need to complete the Enrollment Packet by contacting our Board Office at 989.465.6060 or to speak with Kerry Berthume or stop by to pick up a copy.