From Mr. Zink: Hello Comets! Today’s theme for AmeriCorps Week is "Team Tuesday." Share what you love about your team and/or the impact your team has made.
It was so fitting that today I got to attend one of our reoccurring Postsecondary Support Team meetings sponsored by our Local College Access Network: Midland Area Career and College Access Network. They bring together key staff at higher education institutions (admissions, financial aid, and career centers,) county college advisors, AmeriCorps college advisers, community stakeholders within various support/resource groups, high school counselors/community education partners, Midland Area Community Foundation staff, and more. We meet to learn about county opportunities/resources for our students, we share events , ideas, and best practices to best support the populations we serve, and we stay up-to-date on relevant topics within postsecondary planning. I love the support and creativity that this group constantly contributes!
Are you part of a team that you wish to highlight? Comment below what you love about your team, or the impact you have.
AmeriCorps engages 200,000 Americans each year in sustained, results-driven service through our AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors programs. These dedicated citizens help communities impacted by COVID-19, ensure students stay on track to graduate, combat hunger and homelessness, respond to natural disasters, fight the opioid epidemic, help seniors live independently, support veterans and military families, and much more. #MIACWeek #AmeriCorpsWorks! #AmeriCorpsWeek”

March 10-14 is College Application week! Many Michigan universities have waived application fees this week. If you have questions about college, contact Mr. Zink or visit colemanschools.net/student-resources for TONS of materials to help you plan life after graduation! 🎓

Hey bowlers!! 🎳 The bowling awards banquet is next week Wednesday, March 12. If you have any questions, check in with Coach Brown.

Attention Board Scholars! Due to scheduling conflicts, the Board Scholars award ceremony has been moved to Thursday, March 20th at 6:30 PM. This way, more of our students will be able to attend. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We hope you are still able to make it!

Today is the last day we can accept donations for the 2025 Board Scholar ceremony! This program, funded by community donations, has rewarded Comet students that maintain continuous academic excellence for over forty years. Check out the Board Scholars page for more infomation on the program and to learn how to donate, including a new online donation link! We thank those of you that have already donated to this unique annual program that encourages our students to reach high for their goals! https://www.colemanschools.net/o/jr-sr-high-school/page/board-scholars-eligibility

Want to help us reward our Board Scholars this year? The Board Scholars program, funded by community donations , has rewarded Comet students that maintain continuous academic excellence for over forty years. Check out the Board Scholars page for more infomation on the program and to learn how to donate, including a new online donation link! We thank those of you that have already donated to this unique annual program that encourages our students to reach high for their goals! https://www.colemanschools.net/o/jr-sr-high-school/page/board-scholars-eligibility

FAFSA Night was a success! Jacob Butters ended up winning the Keurig and Ashlynn Rice won the mini fridge! We're so glad to see our students taking these opportunities to learn more and prepare for college.

Today is School Resource Officer (SRO) Recognition Day and we are fortunate to have Deputy Chas Wakeman with us daily to mentor, ensure safety and provide feedback to our staff and students. He has been a valuable asset since beginning with us, bringing with him a great deal of knowledge. He takes the role very seriously and is incredibly professional, willing to do whatever is asked (or even not asked) to support our students and staff. We are happy to have you with us and hope to have you here for a long time. Enjoy your day, Deputy Wakeman, and thank you for being a part of the Coleman Comet team.
We would also like to thank Community Resource Deputy Connor Smith. Community Resource Deputy Smith has been with us this week and will substitute for Deputy Wakeman if he has training to attend or a meeting set. Talking with him yesterday, he is enjoying his time with us, the change in schedule and being with the students and staff. We appreciate his knowledge and effort.
Thank you to the Midland County community who approved the SRO Enhancement Millage when these roles began almost 7 years ago and for renewing it. Thank you also to Sheriff Scott Holzinger for recognizing the importance of having School Resource Officers in our schools every day.

Thursday, 2.13.2025: High school practices are voluntary today and scheduled based on your coach so check with them for times. No practices will take place before 3 p.m. today.
Tonight's JV/Varsity Boys' Basketball games at Fulton are cancelled. Varsity Boys' Basketball ONLY is rescheduled for tomorrow night at 6p.m. in Fulton.

Coleman Schools are cancelled for Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025, due to weather and road conditions. Information about games and practices will be posted by noon tomorrow. Those who pre-ordered baked goods from Coleman Culinary to support the Band and Culinary programs may pick the orders up on Friday between 7:30 a.m.-2p.m.
Thank you to Bo & Rhett Lewis for designing the Abominable Snowman meme to keep me off the roads , Josie Balliet's parents for sharing the picture and Maggie Clarke for helping me ship off to Florida! Love them!

Wed., 2/12/2025: CGRESD has cancelled SPARKS and IGNITE after school programs for today. Drama practice will be cancelled tonight as well. JH Boys Basketball to St. Charles and Varsity Girls Basketball @ Merrill are CANCELLED for tonight as well. Please check with your coaches on whether practices will be held. No practices will be held after 5 p.m.

The Coleman School Based Health Clinic will be closed Friday, Feb. 7, as well, due to illness.

For today, Wed., 1.22.2025:
-JH Basketball is canceled
-Girls JV/Varsity Basketball away games and the Varsity Wrestling away meet are still on for today
-HS practices can be held, but are optional for students. Look for information from your coach as to whether practices are being held
Go Comets!

Coleman Schools are cancelled due to the wind chill temperatures for tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 22nd. Decisions will be made on evening events and practices by around noon tomorrow. Stay warm!

Tonight's JV & Varsity Boys Basketball games v. Vestaburg have been cancelled. Rescheduling information will be sent out soon. All JH and JV practices are cancelled. Varsity practices are optional for all- look for a message from your coach if they are holding practice.

Coleman Schools will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2025, due to wind chill temperatures. Decisions will be made on Tuesday afternoon and evening events by noon tomorrow. Please stay warm and safe!

Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest Winners Announced! In September, 7th grade students wrote essays as part of an essay contest sponsored by the VFW. The topic was “My Voice in America’s Democracy.” The winners from the Coleman Post #1071 were announced. Winning first place was Braylee Dickinson, and second place was awarded to Teagan Kennedy. Arianna Rooks earned third place. Each winner was awarded a cash prize, courtesy of VFW Post #1071. Congratulations to our essay winners, and a special thank you to VFW Post #1071 for their generous prize donations! Photos attached: (left to right): T. Kennedy, B. Dickinson, A. Rooks

The two Culinary classes put their skills to use and put in a lot of time and effort to help make the Gerstacker Holiday Party a success! Students and Chef Jacob Moore served at the event. Thank you Gerstacker team for trusting us for the third year with your event! #LEADLikeAComet

In Mrs. Shumaker's class, the freshmen did a Character Cube project on the characters from To Kill a Mockingbird. Each side of the cube tells something about the character and what they did in the story. Then they were hung from the ceiling so that all the class could see them! Great job 9th grade!

Coleman Schools will have a 2-hour delay today, Monday, December 16th due to a few icy roads and fog, which should improve a little later this morning. Buses will still run to the ESA for those students in ESA programs. 1st and 2nd hour English and Social Studies exams at the Jr/Sr High will begin tomorrow. Exams will be held for English and Social Studies starting with 3rd hour today. Ag and Culinary at Coleman for the morning are not running due to the delay and students going to other CTE programs for the morning will not have bussing but may drive themselves if they wish.
I have heard from some people that the voice message that went out was blank; my apologies for that. A text and email were sent to help with that. Again, sorry for the disruption.