The National Elementary Honor Society made 150 luminaries and lined Adams Street and Marsh Street with them for Coleman Christmas Parade on Saturday. Students will receive a pizza party as a thank you from the Coleman Business Association.
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Check out this flier for more info regarding the Elementary Christmas program coming up on December 5th!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
christmas program poster
Students at the Jr/Sr High and Elementary participated in making bulletin boards for kindness week. Great job, Comets! (Quilt is at the J/S High and leaves are at the Elementary).
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
kindness leaves others encouraged
maya angelou quote
Another successful PTO apple pie fundraiser! Wow . . . these look delicious! Thanks for all the hard work supporting this important program!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Chase and Adriana did an excellent job leading the pledge of allegiance tonight at the board meeting! We love to give our student leaders this special honor each month; it's always our favorite part of each meeting. Thank you for representing Coleman Elementary so well!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Carsyn and Blake totally rock their Comet blue and white! Thanks for sharing your Comet spirit with us! Do YOU have photos to share of you or your kiddos repping Comet gear? Share them with to have them posted to the school website and Facebook! #ColemanComets #GrowingForTheFuture
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Matt Sysak was a WatchDOG with us Thursday, Nov. 9th. He's working in the library with his son, Crase (second from left) and some other students from Ms. Lovejoy's 1st grade class. Thanks for your help, Mr. Matt!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
watchdog mr sysak
The 6th graders have been working hard all fall weeding, harvesting, and cleaning the elementary raised beds in the land lab. Students work in pairs at a bed they chose to get them ready for planting this spring. Students noticed a need for more soil, so they put in a request to Mr. Fischer for more compost. Mr. Fischer ordered compost and Mrs. Lattimer used the tractor to put it in the beds for us. Thank you so much to both of you! 6th graders spread out the compost in the beds and planted garlic. Garlic grows best if planted in the fall, and will be ready to harvest in July. Students will meet with their grade level partners (each grade gets two raised beds) to help their grade decide what to plant in the spring and how to take care of plants in a raised garden bed.
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
group picture planting garlic
garden markers
spreading compost
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We LOVE seeing our kiddos repping Comet blue and white!!! Got some Comet pride photos to share? Send them to! #ColemanComets #GrowingForTheFuture
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Elementary students enjoyed the fall band concert during their visit to the high school last week. I wonder if there's any future band students in this group!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Some of our awesome student leaders attended Midland County Youth Impact Partnership's Leadership Day on October 24 in Bullock Creek. Our students learned about sense of purpose, positive peer relationships, and self-esteem. After the break out sessions, they were given time to brainstorm ideas for their school's week of kindness, which is November 13-17. Our students did a great job representing Coleman Community Schools!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
leadership day group pic
leadership day learning
leadership day writing
leadership day ms. willoughby
leadership day presentation
leadership day elementary presentation
3rd Grade students brainstorming, planning and building prototypes for collecting weather data with Chippewa Nature Center! Groups made precipitation gauges, devices to measure wind speed and direction and more. Mr. Frisbee encourages them to encourage one another and to be brave in their attempts at creating a working prototype. Even groups that were unable to create a finished product learned the importance of positivity and strong work ethic. An extra thank you to Corteva for providing us with a grant allowing us to bring in Chippewa Nature Center every month to educate our 2nd and 3rd grade students!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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More Halloween pictures from yesterday's festivities!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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The Rhynard kids looking cool in their Comet gear! Thanks for sharing! #ColemanComets
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
rhynard kids comet gear
Boo! Our Comets enjoyed showing off their spooky (but mostly cute!) Halloween costumes today in class.
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Last week's hayride and visit to the school forest was a blast!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
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Coach Falor and the 6th grade girls shared their Regional Cross Country win with their class. Congrats, girls! #CometPride
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
cross country
Coleman Elementary will honor our veterans with a special music program on November 10th. If you would like to attend as a Veteran, please RSVP by Friday, November 3rd. If you would like to attend as a parent, please RSVP by Wednesday, Nov 8th. Please click the link to view all of the information!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
veterans day
Here are some of the wonderful things we have been doing at SPARKS! Nature walk to welcome the new season, thumbprint trees, STEM Building kits, teamwork, paper plane engineering, gratitude pumpkins and sunflower paintings. We are making the most of the Fall season! We still have openings for Morning SPARKS. 6:45-7:45 Monday-Thursday!
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
handprint paint tree
The Cole family, with more kids than any other family in Coleman we believe, in Comet uniforms this fall. We'll let them start us off! Anyone else have some great pictures of their kids or family donning Comet gear or colors this fall? Send them to! Here's to a great end of the season run for our fall sports and ramping up for winter season sports. #GOCOMETS
about 1 year ago, Natalie Kalitta
the cole family