Mr. Liechty's class worked on lots of different math lessons today! Great job collaborating and learning together, Comets! #LEADLikeAComet

Mrs. Pelletier's kids were collaborating and sharing their LEGOs so nicely today during inside recess! Thanks for taking the time to #LEADLikeAComet today!

Mrs. Pelletier‘s third graders played a game that teaches cooperation and communication. The goal of the game is to get the correct colored ball into the correct colored hole. Students have to work together to communicate and cooperate so that the ball doesn’t go every which way. It was enjoyed by all and we all found Leaders in ourselves! #LEADLikeAComet #ColemanCometPride

4 of our rock star paraprofessionals at Coleman Schools. Couldn't do all of this without you! #bruhthey'reback #LEADLikeAComet #CometPride #Coleman

Lockers from the Coleman Family Center are being removed and are available to the highest bidder(s) between now and Wednesday, Aug. 28th at 4 p.m. Bids can be sent to kberthume@colemanschools.net or by dropping them off at Coleman Schools Board Office. There are 5 sections and they are sectioned in groups of 8, 10, 10, 12 and 10. Call 989.465.6060 for more information. All lockers must be picked up on Thursday or Friday, Aug. 29th or 30th between 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. by scheduled appointment.

Don't miss the Open Houses tonight! We are excited to welcome everyone back. and have some fun before we start the new school year. Don't forget that there will be a FREE meal and lots of community organizations visiting with goodies to share. See you all there!

The Open Houses are only a week and a half away! Stop by for a free dinner, access to community resources, and to get all the info you need to be ready for the first day back. Not enrolled yet? The Open House is a great opportunity to tour the building and learn more -- you can even enroll while you're there! Don't miss it!

Congrats to Comet Bo Lewis! He took 2nd in his age group for swine showmanship at the Clare County Fair! Great work!

Coleman Schools parents, community members and parents of Coleman area preschoolers~ MidMichigan Health is currently working on a competitive federal grant opportunity for potential expansion of hours to the Coleman School Based Health Clinic (SBHC). The grant would allow the Coleman SBHC to go from 24 to 30 hours per week. It is a highly competitive grant with 140 awards to community health centers in the nation. If expanded, the clinic would continue to support Coleman K-12 students and potentially Coleman area preschoolers. This survey will provide us with information on the needs of the community. Please take time over the next week to complete the survey at the link below if you would. https://forms.gle/B9aveQiXHZdmBqk1A Thank you for your time! ~ Mrs. McCormack, Supt.

Copier for sale and will be sold to the highest bidder submitting his/her bid no later than July 2nd, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. Bids may be submitted in person or by mail to the Coleman Schools Board Office, 4823 N. Coleman Schools Drive or by email to Kerry Berthume at Kberthume@colemanschools.net . All bids must include: Name of person/company submitting the bid, address, phone number, email address, date and the bid amount. All bidders will be contacted no later than July 8th, 2024, letting them know if they were/ were not the winning bid. More information can be found below. For questions, please contact Jennifer McCormack at Jmccormack@colemanschools.net or 989.465.6060.
-Xerox Altalink C8055 Printer/Copier/Fax
-55 page per minute print/copy
-Brochure can be found here: https://www.office.xerox.com/latest/AC8BR-01U.PDF
-Includes the Booklet Maker Finisher (fold, staple, booklet making, and hole punch)
-Total impressions: 359,000
-Excellent working and cosmetic condition-maintained by Xerox
-Comes with extra toner, transfer belt cleaner, drum cartridge, and waste cartridge

Enrolling all K-12 students! We offer Leader in Me/7Habits training for all students and staff, 1:1 Chromebooks for student use, free daily breakfast and lunch, and best-practice K-12 core curriculum. School of Choice students welcome.

June Comet News out now! Keep an eye out for it to be in your mailboxes very soon . . . enjoy! https://5il.co/2on17
Don't forget that this edition and all past ones can be found on the school website under 'Parent/Student Resources.' (see screenshot)

The elementary hosted their annual Leadership Day this afternoon! They invited parents and the community to come in and learn about each of the 7 Habits through the Leader in Me program -- one presentation per grade level. Great job, kids!! #leaderinme

The last Pledge Leaders of this school year are Cason and Kandice, both in Mrs. Pelletier's 3rd grade class! They did a great job tonight starting off the Board Meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance nice and loud. Thank you both for being excellent leaders tonight! #ColemanCometPride

Is your child starting Kindergarten or Developmental Kindergarten in the fall? Are you considering Coleman School of Choice, just moving to the area or maybe missed Registration and Round-Up? No worries! Contact Coleman Elementary at 989.465.6179 or stop by. They can answer all of your questions, tell you what we're all about and give you a tour of the building while you meet some fantastic people. Your child will even get a free Comet Class of 2037!! (can you believe that? ) t-shirt so they are all geared up for games and events next year and we can add their pictures to the group. Looking forward to seeing you soon! If your child is already registered, we have a t-shirt waiting for them, too!

Lost & Found Photo Safari Alert! 📸🔍
Attention all super-sleuth parents! 🕵️♀️🕵️♂️ Our elementary school lost & found has mysteriously grown overnight! 🧐 But fear not, we've launched a photo expedition to uncover the missing treasures! 📸🔍
🔦 Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Scroll through our photo album of lost items and help us reunite these lonely socks, forgotten lunchboxes, and mysterious mittens with their rightful owners! 🧤🥪
📸 But beware: You might stumble upon a rogue boot or a wandering water bottle! 🏃♂️💧
🚨 Attention, brave parents: Check the comments section to claim your child's lost treasure! Together, let's solve the case of the vanishing belongings! 🔍🔎 #LostAndFoundAdventures #ElementaryDetectives
All unclaimed items that still remain after the last day of school will be donated or put into our clothing closet for students in need.
Pictures: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19xo2e7OeqnweZ_lCJl2aF2qCHdcpZtHg?usp=sharing

Tonight!!! The elementary music classes present "Welcome to Outer Space!" While we can't promise zero gravity and spacesuits, we CAN promise lots of tunes for your listening pleasure. Don't miss it! Check out the flier for more information.

Don't miss this opportunity to let our young Comets serenade you! Join us in "Outer Space" on May 7th at 6:30 pm in the Jr/Sr High auditorium for our annual elementary spring music program. We hope to see you there!

The 6th graders' bulbs have sprouted! This year, they experimented with daffodils. All the tulips are from previous years' experiments. Isn't it cool when science can also make our campus more beautiful? #growingforthefuture

Today is Administrative Assistant Recognition Day and ours are wonderful! Ms. Bressette, Mrs. Sian, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Lovejoy, Mrs. Rhynard, Ms. Rogers, Mrs. Berthume, along with Ms. Litke, who subs for us, are truly the people who keep this machine rolling. Thank you for being rock stars everyday for our kids, families and all of us.
Please drop a small gift or extra kind word to these ladies today!